Confido Terviselahendus hüvitab nüüd ka retseptiravimeid

Confido Terviselahendus hüvitab nüüd ka retseptiravimeid

Confido Terviselahendusega kindlustatud kliendid saavad alates 22. aprillist soetada Südameapteekidest retseptiravimeid automaatse hüvitamisega.

Confido Terviselahendus on tööandja tervisekindlustus, mis täiendab riiklikku ravikindlustust, võimaldades ettevõtte töötajatel saada kiiremini eriarsti vastuvõtule või kasutada tasulisi raviteenuseid. Uue teenusena lisandus 22. aprillist retseptiravimite automaatne hüvitamine, kui kindlustustatu soetab retseptiravimi Südameapteegist.

„Uus teenus võimaldab automaatselt hüvitada kindlustatule arsti väljakirjutatud retseptiravimid, mis on kantud Euroopa ravimiregistrisse. Confido Terviselahendus katab retseptiravimi maksumuse, mida Tervisekassa ei hüvita, nii et kindlustatu peab tasuma kohapeal vaid kindlustuspaketile vastava omaosaluse ning hiljem kahjuavaldust esitama ei pea,” selgitas Confido Terviselahenduse tootejuht Liis Ader.

Südameapteegi müügijuht Merilin Israel ütles, et uus lahendus on järgmine samm nende pikaajalises plaanis aidata klientide raviteekonda lühendada ning võimalikult mugavaks muuta. Ravimi hüvitamiseks ei pea klient lisategevusi tegema ning kõik toimub apteegis kohapeal. „Oluline on, et teenuse kasutaja teaks, kas ja mis mahus kuuluvad retseptiravimid tema kindlustuspaketti ning apteegis tuleks ravimeid soetades mainida, et ravimit soovitakse osta Confido Terviselahenduse kindlustuskaitse alusel. Ennetustegevuste olulisust silmas pidades on hea meel tõdeda, et hüvitise alla ei kuulu mitte ainult retseptiravimid, vaid ka Südameapteegis teostatavad vaktsineerimised ning arsti kaugkonsultatsiooni teenus Südameapteegi Tervisekabinettides,” kirjeldas protsessi Israel.

Retseptiravimite kindlustuskaitse alusel hüvitatakse retseptiravimi kulud vaid siis, kui retseptiravimite kindlustuskaitse sisaldub kindlustatu kindlustuspaketis. Retseptiravimite kindlustuskaitse olemasolu, kulude katmise ülempiir ja omaosalus sõltuvad kindlustuslepingust ning on välja toodud kindlustustingimustes.

Tervisekindlustuse toob Sinuni Tervisekindlustusagent OÜ. Kindlustusteenuse pakkuja on AS LHV Kindlustus. Tutvu tingimustega Confido kodulehel.

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21 kommentaari

cindy byrd
21.05.24 09:04

I am writing this review to express my deepest gratitude to Dr. Excellent for their incredible ability to bring back my ex-lover through their love spells. After a painful breakup, I was left feeling lost and heartbroken, desperately longing for a second chance. That's when I stumbled upon Dr. Excellent services, and I decided to give it a try.
From the very beginning, Dr. Excellent displayed a deep understanding of my situation. They took the time to listen to my story, empathize with my pain, and assure me that they could help. Their professionalism and expertise were evident throughout the entire process.
Dr. Excellent crafted a personalized love spell specifically tailored to my circumstances. They explained the rituals involved and the intentions behind each step, ensuring that I was comfortable and fully aware of the process. Their knowledge and experience in spellcasting were truly remarkable.
Within a few weeks of casting the love spell, I noticed subtle changes in my ex-lover's behavior. Communication between us became more frequent, and the tension that once existed seemed to dissipate. It was as if the spell had opened the door for us to reconnect on a deeper level.
To my astonishment, my ex-lover reached out to me, expressing their desire to meet and discuss the possibility of reconciliation. We had a heartfelt conversation, addressing the issues that led to our breakup and finding a way to move forward. It was a truly miraculous reunion that I never thought possible.
I cannot thank Dr. Excellent enough for their incredible gift and the positive impact they have had on my life. Their love spells not only brought back my ex-lover but also helped us heal and rebuild our relationship. I highly recommend their services to anyone seeking to reunite with a lost love. Trust him Here his contact. WhatsApp him at: +2348084273514 "Or email him at: , His website: and you may just find the love and happiness you've been longing for.
Cyril Vivian
20.05.24 16:25
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