Leiti geenimuutus, mis kolmekordistab pähkliallergia riski

Leiti geenimuutus, mis kolmekordistab pähkliallergia riski

Teadlased tegid kindlaks geenimuutuse, mis võib lapsel kolmekordistada allergia tekkimise tõenäosust pähklite suhtes.

Antud töös leiti esmakordselt geneetiline muutus, mis seostub pähkliallergia tekkimisega. Muutused Filaggrin geenis vähendavad naha võimet toimida barjäärina ärritajate ja allergeenide suhtes, lastes neil ühenditel kehasse siseneda ja tuues kaasa erinevate allergiliste seisundite tekkimise, vahendab ERR teadusuudised.

Iga viies pähkliallergia all kannataja omab defektset Filaggrin geeni. Teiselt poolt vaadatuna areneb muutunud Filaggrin geeniga inimestel pähkliallergia välja kolm korda tõenäolisemalt.

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92 kommentaari

Anthony Jack
17.07.24 05:58

I could remember losing a lot of Crypto to this scammer that owns a fake crypto investment platform. At the beginning, it was a good deal not until he asked me to buy a subscription to enable me withdraw all the Bitcoin and profit that i made on his platform. The amount was much, i was confused and later found out that i was scammed. Well, out of frustration, I contacted a Recovery Expert that helped me recover and refund all my CRYPTO back to me. If you have been scammed, kindly contact the link below to get your money back. Although his services are not free, But he surely know how to do his job and he is fast

Telegram: @captainjackcrypto1

WhatsApp: +4915782317112
Anthony Jack
17.07.24 05:58

I could remember losing a lot of Crypto to this scammer that owns a fake crypto investment platform. At the beginning, it was a good deal not until he asked me to buy a subscription to enable me withdraw all the Bitcoin and profit that i made on his platform. The amount was much, i was confused and later found out that i was scammed. Well, out of frustration, I contacted a Recovery Expert that helped me recover and refund all my CRYPTO back to me. If you have been scammed, kindly contact the link below to get your money back. Although his services are not free, But he surely know how to do his job and he is fast

Telegram: @captainjackcrypto1

WhatsApp: +4915782317112
Joyce Nilsson
09.07.24 03:41
I was a victim of a heart-wrenching cryptocurrency scam that left me crippling . After investing a substantial sum of $60,020 worth of Ethereum in an online investment platform, my hopes were high for reaping substantial profits. However, what followed was a nightmare beyond imagination.As the days went by, my excitement gradually turned into despair as I realized that the platform I had trusted was nothing more than an elaborate scheme designed to swindle investors like myself out of their hard-earned money. It was a devastating blow, leaving me feeling helpless and betrayed by those I had placed my trust in.I embarked on an extensive search for a solution, determined to reclaim what was rightfully mine. It was during this search that I stumbled upon Digital Web Recovery ,a specialist in cryptocurrency recovery services. With little hope left, I decided to reach out to them in a last-ditch effort to salvage my situation.From the moment I contacted Digital Web Recovery, I was met with professionalism, empathy, and a genuine commitment to helping me overcome my ordeal. Their team of experts listened attentively to my story, offering reassurance and guidance every step of the way. Despite the daunting task ahead, they instilled in me a newfound sense of hope and determination.Over the course of several days, the team at Digital Web Recovery worked tirelessly on my behalf, leaving no stone unturned in their quest to recover my lost investment. Through their expertise in cryptocurrency forensics and advanced recovery techniques, they were able to trace the intricate web of transactions that had led to the loss of my funds.Against all odds, Digital Web Recovery emerged victorious, successfully recovering every last bit of my stolen investment. It was a moment of sheer relief and gratitude, knowing that justice had been served and that I could finally put the nightmare behind me.To anyone who finds themselves in a similar unfortunate situation, I urge you not to lose hope. Reach out to Digital Web Recovery and let them be your guiding light in the darkness. Their dedication, expertise, and unwavering commitment to their clients make them the trusted ally you need in the fight against cryptocurrency scams my experience with Digital Web Recovery was nothing short of miraculous. They not only helped me recover my lost investment but also restored my faith in humanity. For anyone facing the daunting prospect of cryptocurrency loss, Digital  Web Recovery is the recovery hacker you've been searching for. Don't hesitate to reach out to them and reclaim your bitcoins. Contact Info; Email; digitalwebexperts@zohomail.com
Website https://digitalwebrecovery.com

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